Welcome to F:E:D -[fresh electronic delivery]
Another handful of links

Baby Ree Entertainment
Designed by these guys: (http://www.teknision.com/). Check out this site
and some of their other work. Teknision has developed some great interface
work and loves to splash in their own Flashfx to energize their work.

Theatrical Webmercials and elegant site layout. Be sure to hit the
client/portfolio section for the goods they've been producing. Doing it fairly
close to TV.

Being Sony
Ready for some exploration? This beautiful site crafted by Ultra16 (in the
prop block above) is a brand story from Sony. Years of excellence and
innovation all documented in this great site. These parts of the site are
still hosted by Ultra16, because the being-sony.com site has since gone
away. So, get there quick to check things out (old commercials are great).

Self-taught animator from Russia. Under the animation section you can
review his characters built for a flash game as well as a short flash spot.

Capoeira Fighter
Flash fighting game complete with multiple characters and selectable
environments. Big code.

The Ant Site
A rough style of interface that you don't see too often. There is a bit of
confusion throughout this piece, but sometimes an interface style that
reflects the artist behind the creation just makes sense in its own way.