Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
Another great set of links. What better way to spend Cinco de Mayo? Well... ok drink your self silly - then maybe come back for the links over the weekend.

Check out the new Joshua Davis I'm really surprised he doesn't have support for the scroll wheel in those columns. Props to Paul Cayrol.

Big Spaceship
Oh snap - Big Spaceship releases their update. I didn't know it happened. Man, I'm slippin. The preload bar building in is super-fly. Big Spaceship - what a great name, I just love that. Another must see demo reel.

XRS Nowe Media
Flying through this site is a lot of fun. Clicking from dot to dot and watching the little plane fly along the curved line is a great touch. They have done a great job of pulling off a simple and memorable transition.

Christopher Gilbert
Shocking, weird, even disturbing, but great quality. Compositing and graphic work so seamless that you have to take a double look at some of the pieces to see what is altered.

Volvo Design
Keyboard navigation drives this Volvo site. They start you off with a quick lesson on how to move through the site with the arrow keys. The extra touch of the + & - keys to zoom out to a site map view is slick.

A talented designer showcasing the goods. I dug the color tones of the interface and the way you could drag/sort the project screenshots around the canvas.

James Jean
Jump into the illustrations section and don't miss the sketchbook work as well. Sir James Jean has worked for some big name clients and has built quite a stable of design styles over the years.

Philips Bodygroom
Lots of video, video, video and it's funny. The site just picked up the FWA and you'll see why. It does a great job of loading and presenting video clips. Produced by Tribal DDB.

Where Design Comes From