Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
Been a long stretch this month. Lots of work going on out there and I've been swamped myself. Hope all of you design magicians out there are having some fun!

As I'm sure the world knows the iPod nano released. Apple just designs the coolest stuff.

Blink, blink I think we should just sink right into the links.

Corpse Bride
This on is big in file size for all the sequential images, but cool moves and section transitions. The audio treatments are also very well done.

Karen Gwyer
Really like this. Karen Gwyer has come up with a simple layout that portrays her amazing work in a solid and clear manner. The work is incredible, a major talent in the industry. Typography and color selections are right on.

Pretty slick little store. Nice flash touches to showcase different products lines. There have actually done quite a few different little presenter techniques in each category. Some clever ideas.

Leo Burnett
I always remember this agency because of their great quote, "when you reach for the stars you might not always get one, but you won't come up with a handful of mud either."

Great character to Scott's new webernet. Be sure to check out the elders in the Info section. "High gloss webs since 1971." Need I say more.

Bullrot Wear
The music on this site is really darn good, fits the vibe very well and I kept me on the site for a while just to play through it. Grunge design mixed with slick flashing pulls this site together nicely.

Where Design Comes From