to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery] |
Greedy White Citizens http://www.gwcmusic.com/ It's grungy, raw and the mini jam thumbnail sequence on the homepage rocks. Proud to have built this one for the GWC guys - go check out their show if your near the 'A' town. When they throw down the "Greedy" track live - the place erupts. |
Nike 10 http://www.grupow.com/nike10/ Click on the INICIAR button, then the AVANZA button to move through the town. The vector illustrations are fantastic, wavy and imperfect. The clothes line and parrot coming out for the send to friend - awesome. |
Double Plus http://www.doubleplus.info/ This is sick (the ZOOM) - it's coded on the scroll wheel too!! - BAMF. The mouse turning is a little annoying only because the buttons are so small that they are hard to hit because you lose your point. |
Dane Cook http://www.danecook.com/ If you don't know him... click on over... have a little visit - stay awhile. I've been a big fan for a long time and now he is blowing up with the highest-charting comedy album in 26 years! The video list on his new site will make you a fan. |
3D Sign http://www.3dsign.it/ The rendering and animation studio, as their tag line puts it. Nice work here in the visualization field. There is a showreel available as well. |
MAP http://www.designbymap.com/ Oh, hell yeah. Paul Lee is back. If you don't remember him, or never heard of him, here is your chance. Paul brings some serious design skill to the game. Surf the past work to see. |
Killerspin http://www.killerspin.com/flash/ Table Tennis or Ping Pong - however you want to bill it - whenever you see the top athletes of this sport playing a game it is just amazing. Killerspin is a new brand that has a great style and 'killer' looking tables. |
BenQ P50 http://www.benq.com/products/mobile/p50/P50_en.htm For the buttons alone this site makes the list - the rollovers are so slick. All the imagery and supporting graphics do a great job of portraying examples. Really a great gadget selling example. Props to the creator. |
Electric Heat http://www.electricheat.org/ Captivating. When I first hit this link and started to scroll down the page, my jaw dropped. It is just beautiful work. The treatment of the first featured project (Goapele) is insane. |
Guitar Shred Show - Mr.Fastfinger http://www.guitarshredshow.com/ A fun site that incorporates both guitar lessons and a jam freakout session where you have to battle the devil with your shredding skills. Don't let the initial landing page fool you, there is a lot to this site. |