Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
Packed full of links this month. Dig in to a neat time visualiztion project. Hair stylings from another world Trevor Leighton photography. D'Hondt - Nicely done.

Method has some great commercials under their belt. Check out the new ones for Adidas "Perfection" & DirecTV "Forward" these are really well done and the DirecTV one also shows some making of action.

Starving Eyes
Some great work divided up into three distinct areas of practice (Art and Design, Clothing & Games). Be sure to check out the print work. This piece was one of my favorites.

{ ths }
Maker of BEAST magazine. Whoa - dangerously creative stuff. A bit scary, but amazing to peruse. So, cruise through this raw and uninhibited portfolio at your own risk.

Kinsey Visual
Talented artist Dave Kinsey invites you into his gallery to view some great paintings using the covers of books as his canvas. His installations are worth the click as well.

Moose Syrup
Mike Hansen let loose with this fun and rad style of a moose-based portfolio showcase. You got to give it to him just for the name of the site - that's catchy. Mike is a 2advanced cat and Bruce is the moose who inspired the site.

Mazda Atenza
Excellent. Great actionscripting & interesting navigation methods make this site stand out. When you are in the gallery be sure to drag around the photo just for fun. These guys built the site: defide inc. They have a smooth site as well.

The Box Doodle Project
Rearrange a box to make any kind of figure or object. Check out the images sent in by independent artists from all over. Found via: Cool Hunting.

NID Gallery
This is a really fun interface. Two circles spin around and match up people (the left wheel) with their work (in the right wheel). Dig the concept.

Todd Dominey, previously on the F:E:D for DomineyDesign, has created a sophisticated dynamic slide show tool for Flash. It has a great feature set and allows control over all of them. Plus, it's price point is just right. Demo example. Great work.

Grivina + Illustrations
Killer illustrations, killer 3d, killer packing design. Dang. This artist's unique style translates very well across several disciplines. For more, check out the live journal.

Pixel Gasoline
This site strives to change how we view a typical website & brings you closer to a dvd menu experience. The audio track volume changes as you zoom through the environment to set the realism of the scene.

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