Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
This that the other and a bunch of new links. Last issue of 2004 - see you in the new year.

Product database: Japan happy browsing. Looking forward to this one: Revolution Interactive - they created the Markese Photography below. Cool pre-loading devices in this gaming site: MI-Operation Surma.

Taking a Look at Poland
An educational exploration aimed at kids. You can ride a subway and get off at a stop to see photography of the area. Or you can learn about wildlife and the habitat.

Salomon Artwork Contest 004
Hit the boarding pass link. This minisite showcases the winners of the contest and has a moving cityscape as the main means of navigation.

Made in MTL
This is interesting. Search things out and build your itinerary along the way. View maps, imagery and things to do in the city. You select what you are interested in and keep on surfing through all the attractions.

Hillier Architecture
Impressive work. The portfolio is full of great stuff spanning custom living spaces all the way to libraries and public schools. Below each image in a project there are thumbnails of alternate views - click on those to see interiors and details.

Head into the Gallery section to see all the films that were sent in. You get director info, commentary and the featured shoe in the spot. There are some incredible ideas in these commercials. Well done.

Markese Photography
Watch out RonMac, here is some amazing photography shot by Rich Markese. Be sure to click the horizontal photos to zoom them up. The 'loading' pieces of paper when switching sections are cool. They fold down into frame, load, then peel off.

Math + art = beauty. The artwork has some great titles. Substrate, Intersection Aggregate & Node Garden. Very intelligent and inspirational images.

Vitor Vilela
Simply fun. Great sound effects and soundtrack. A fun portfolio site with lots of quirky things in each section. Start clicking.

Where Design Comes From