Welcome to F:E:D - [fresh electronic delivery]
Sending out a bit early this time around. Just consider this issue a communication from the future.

For those of you who haven't seen the latest WIRED magazine, just wanted to let you know that Peter Jackson is remaking King Kong.

Another tidbit link: Kenwood commercials for the future.

Even been jealous of a client roster? Well, this studio's work section borders on bragging and almost invites others to dislike them. Ok, no hard feelings - we can all be Hollywood.

Hip site for the new line of cars by Toyota. There is a Graffiti Tool in the Free section as well as a sound/beat mixer. I already saw one of these on the road the other day.

Fashion label Blanco building out a pretty breakthrough surfing system. Check out their collections by simply moving your nav line around revealing photos and new sections.

American Indian College Fund
This design is very open and has a fun left side flash navigation system. Interesting way to code the page overall, they choose to let the right column swing in right over the main body content.

Stylin works. Go through the sketch section. Lots of coming soon sections to wait for, but should be worth it when they do get live.

pLot Design
Crazy hand moves things around for you. These guys did the Sean John site a while back and many other entertainment type projects.

Zach Gold
Photographs of bowie, iggy and dafoe lets you know that Zach has attracted some big names. The action section has some choice shots.

Where Design Comes From